Time is an educator's kryptonite! The Got a Minute? Learning Series recognizes this challenge and provides educators with the flexibility to choose their learning pathway based on the amount of time they have available.
The series is designed around chunks of time. Each module is divided into three chunks:
10 minutes of learning - the what and the why
20 minutes of learning - the how
45 minutes of learning - the application
The overall goals of the Got a Minute? Learning Series are to:
Deepen understanding of inclusive practices and strategies
Explore best practices to support all learners
Apply learning by designing or revising a product to support all learners
The series can be used by individual educators, a group of colleagues, or school teams as the same content is provided in both google slides and online course options.
At CAST we believe that variability is the norm! We'd love your feedback on these iterative resources!
Building Executive Function
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of what executive function is and its importance.
Examine how to support learners develop their executive function through the lens of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Design or redesign a learning experience to support the development of executive function.
Course materials: Through the Lens of UDL: Building Executive Function
A Multiple Means Approach to Caregiver, Family and Community Partnerships
Participants will:
Designing Early Childhood classrooms using the UDL Guidelines to increase access and options for learner agency.
Explore how educators design early childhood classrooms to develop learner agency and access.
Apply your learning to designing an early childhood lesson or unit using the UDL Guidelines.
Course materials: Through the Lens of UDL: Early Childhood Education Slide Deck
Early Childhood Education Module
Participants will:
Designing Early Childhood classrooms using the UDL Guidelines to increase access and options for learner agency.
Explore how educators design early childhood classrooms to develop learner agency and access.
Apply your learning to designing an early childhood lesson or unit using the UDL Guidelines.
Course materials: Through the Lens of UDL: Early Childhood Education Slide Deck
Co-Teaching Module
Participants will:
Reflect on Co-Teaching and its possible implications to educator practice and student learning.
Explore the intersection between Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Co-Teaching.
Design or redesign a learning experience to support learners through a co-teaching model(s).
Course materials: Co-Teaching Through the Lens of UDL Slide Deck
Foundational Skills Module
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of what are foundational reading skills and the role that the Active View of Reading plays.
Explore how to utilize UDL to design for foundational literacy skills. .
Design or redesign a learning experience with UDL to support learners with explicit reading instruction.
Course materials: Foundational Skills Slide Deck
Flexible Means in Math Module
Participants will:
Explore how leveraging multiple representations in mathematics supports conceptual understanding.
Explore to engage students in a math tasks that incorporates multiple representations.
Design or redesign a learning experience to support learners through concrete, visual, and abstract ways.
Course materials: Flexible Means in Math Slide Deck
UDL and Social and Emotional Learning Module
Participants will:
Reflect on the role social and emotional learning (SEL) plays in learning.
Explore the relationship between UDL and SEL.
Design or redesign a learning experience through the SEL & UDL lens.
Course materials: UDL and Social and Emotional Learning Slide Deck
Supporting Multilingual Learners Module
Participants will:
Reflect on your own journey as a learner and educator.
Explore how educators can design learning experiences to support learner agency and access.
Apply your learning to designing a lesson or unit using the UDL Guidelines.
Course materials: Supporting Multilingual Learners Slide Deck
Physical Learning Environments Module
Participants will:
Reflect on the role the physical learning environments play in learning.
Explore how to utilize UDL to design physical learning environments.
Design or redesign a physical learning environment to minimize barriers to learning.
Course materials: Physical Learning Environments Slide Deck
Writing Module
Participants will:
Deepen their understanding of the overlapping practices to support writing across the disciplines
Explore deconstructing rubrics to prepare students to write for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences
Examine a single-point rubric to provide meaningful and actionable feedback to students
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Writing
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Writing (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Meaning Making Module
Being able to construct meaning from text and learning material is an essential skill. How do you support this skill when interacting with the learning material may be a barrier for learners? In this module, participants will deepen their understanding of Meaning Making and explore design considerations around the Think Aloud strategy to make the invisible processes of learning come to life.
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Meaning Making
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Meaning Making (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Literacy Across Disciplines Module
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of what being literate entails and of the expanded definition of texts.
Explore how to utilize the Claims, Evidence, Reasoning model to support literacy across content areas.
Design or redesign a learning experience to support learners in crafting an argument using the Claims, Evidence, Reasoning model.
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Literacy Across Disciplines
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Literacy Across Disciplines (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Self-Reflection Module
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of the role of self-reflection in the thinking process.
Explore how educators design to support self-reflection during the learning process.
Design or redesign a learning experience to support the self-reflection process.
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Self-Reflection
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Self-Reflection (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Expert Learning Module
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of the habits and practices of an expert learner
Explore how educators can design to support the development of expert learners
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Expert Learning
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Expert Learning (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Options Module
Participants will:
Reflect on the role of options in designing learning experiences
Explore the ways options are designed to minimize barriers
Design or redesign a lesson to include options for learners
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Options
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Options (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Barriers Module
Participants will:
Identify potential barriers to student engagement
Recognize symptoms of disengagement
Consider and design engagement strategies to minimize barriers
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Barriers
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Barriers (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Goal-Setting Module
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of the importance of goal setting
Examine how to craft and communicate clear goals
Explore how to design goals that are flexible without the means embedded
Design or redesign a learning goal to be clear, relevant, and rigorous
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Goal-Setting
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Goal-Setting (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Mindset Module
Participants will:
Understand how beliefs and attitudes about learning and ability can block growth and progress
Explore how reframing barriers using a growth mindset can change the way students think about themselves and learning
Practice using language to help shift thinking regarding barriers to learning and student abilities and potential for growth
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Mindset
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Mindset (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.
Assessment Module
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of the purpose of formative and summative assessment
Explore construct relevance and its impact on assessments
Design or revise a literacy assessment
Choose how to engage with the course materials:
Google Slides: Assessment
This format is suggested for groups of colleagues or school teams who engage with the content collaboratively.Online Course: Assessment (Coming Soon!)
The online course includes the same content as the Google Slides with some additional interactive features to engage individual learners.