UDL Schoolwide Implementation Criteria
The Universal Design for Learning Schoolwide Implementation Criteria (UDL-SIC) defines high-quality, schoolwide, UDL implementation. Like UDL, the criteria are data-driven, support continuous improvement, and provide multiple pathways for schools to progress through the stages of implementation. The UDL-SIC is a robust tool for guiding decisions and supporting ongoing schoolwide growth, whether your team is just getting started or has experienced many years of successful UDL implementation.
The criteria were developed using insights from implementation, improvement, and learning science research. It was also informed by ongoing input and feedback from experienced UDL leaders throughout the field of education. While the full certification process is not yet available, the UDL-SIC criteria and related tools are ready to use to support your school’s UDL implementation efforts.
For more information visit CAST's UDL School Implementation Criteria Website.