Literacy Across Disciplines
Got a Minute? Literacy Across Disciplines
Participants will:
Deepen understanding of what being literate entails and of the expanded definition of texts.
Explore how to utilize the Claims, Evidence, Reasoning model to support literacy across content areas.
Design or redesign a learning experience to support learners in crafting an argument using the Claims, Evidence, Reasoning model.
Google Slides: Across the Disciplines
Online Course: Across the Disciplines (Coming Soon!)
Webinar: Literacy Across the Curriculum
Literacy practices must be infused within all content areas to support students in acquiring discipline-specific knowledge, developing inquiry skills, and communicating content knowledge with others. In this session, we will explore how to universally design learning experiences across the curriculum that minimize barriers to learning while supporting literacy and content development.
Top Tips! for Literacy Across Disciplines
Developing literacy across disciplines sets a foundation for learners to access content in a range of subject areas and strengthen literacy skills through application across disciplines.
How might we support students to apply literacy skills across content areas?
Featured Resources: Literacy Across the Disciplines
Literacy Across Disciplines
This month's resource will support educators to effectively implement the principles of UDL in a literacy-based classroom and leverage the power of student agency in determining methods of engagement with, and in response to, the curriculum.